Sunday, January 20, 2008

Democrat Candidates Names using Neimology

What the presidential candidates names say about them. The candidates are listed alphabetically.
1. Hilary Clinton
Hilary will always manage to land on her feet regardless of any messes that she finds herself involved. She is family oriented and her family is quite important to her. She wants her family to look good and is upset when private matters make their way into the public eye as she feels that family matters ought to stay private. Hilary is a ‘wanna-be’. She loves to give advice and generally gives good advice. Her challenge is not to make up answers when she doesn’t know them.
She was born knowing what she wanted and keeps her goals for her entire life. She has fairness issues, which causes her to fight for the rights of those that she feels have had their rights violated. However, it is not as easy for her to fight for her own rights. Even though she will always appear to be confident, she is uncomfortable standing up for herself. Fighting for issues and /or others comes much easier.
She does not take criticism well and sometimes it hurts so much that she would like to quit. She has had to learn to give herself a pep talk and keep going. Her defensive for this sensitivity was to become a victim and /or perpetrator of violence. She can play either role.
It is important for her to be liked by others. She can be the chameleon and is able to get along with any one when she wants to do so. In order to stay liked she will show the aspects of herself that she thinks another will approve of and hide the rest. She can morph into what she feels others expect of her to be liked.
Hilary has learned that it is important to stay in control and be in charge. She has learned to be charming and charismatic to get what she wants. She has learned to be organized and think in a logical manner. She has a good memory. She knows how to nurture but wants to choose whom she nurtures and when she nurtures.
She expects loyalty from those around her and carries a grudge. Hillary wants to get even when she feels that someone she has been good to violated her trust. She must guard against carrying grudges. Hilary is strong in her sense of who she is. She knows what she wants, and is determined to get what she wants. Her need to be in charge and control coupled with her need to appear good and be liked is her weakest link.

2. John Edwards
John has plenty of capabilities and he can turn on the charm when he wants. He can come across incredibly charming. People who know him well will say he bounces from being incredibly charismatic to being an absolute jerk. He has to be the boss and if he can’t be the boss he needs autonomy. He is street smart and was probably difficult to rear as he listens to others and then does what he originally wanted to do.
He does not like to be nagged or have someone watching too closely over his shoulder to see how he gets things accomplished. Like Hilary, he expects loyalty from those around him and he carries grudges. Once he has a grudge, he does not let go. His memory is good but it is laced with emotions. In other words, his emotions can color the facts of the actual event. He would have difficulty in containing his temper or contempt for others when tired or caught off guard.
He knows how to make lemonade out of lemons and learns from his mistakes. He knows how to work, but doesn’t want to work, other than when he has to do get what he wants. He enjoys living the high life and being spoiled by others. He will not age as quickly as his contemporaries so he has youth appeal. Coupled with this is a natural charm, which attracts those younger than him to put him on a pedestal. He has a strong power of influence over those less educated than himself. Out of all of the candidates’ names, he is the most self-centered and it is his own love of self which propels him to be in the limelight. He is motivated by what can benefit him versus what can benefit others.

3. Dennis Kucinich
Kucinich’s strength is his knowledge about finances. It is in his name that he has a flair or natural talent for understanding the energy behind money. He is a life long learner and well organized. Others would easily be able to follow his organization system. Even when he makes huge mistakes, Kucinich will land on his feet.
He has a relationship with God and religion or spirituality would be important to him. He was taught to do things the hard way and occasionally does so. He is independent and thinks for himself. He considers himself a part of the family of man and as such, feels a great responsibility to humanity. He would have learned from his upbringing to have fun and to allow his sense of humor to come out and play.
Kucinich can be an energizer bunny and wants to keep working when he has a task to accomplish. He notices appearances and how things look is important to him. He wants to make the world a more magical place. He would have made a good detective. He is a good listener and hears what others have to say. He’d be fun at a party as he engages others to speak. He would be a kinesthetic learner. Kucinich is independent in his thoughts and does not like to be under someone else’s thumb. Besides being independent, he needs to be in charge of self as he does not take direction well from others unless they are in agreement with him.
Kucinich’s biggest challenge is to be willing to challenge his core beliefs.

4. Barack Obama
Obama is highly competitive; if he can’t win he doesn’t like to play. He has workaholic tendencies and his work is his play and his play is his work. There is no real differentiation. He likes to be around competent people and has little patience for incompetence or stupidity based on his definitions. He would be sensitive to criticism and want to quit when attacked. He has a quick mind and is good thinking on the spot. His work is his life; it is what gives him purpose. He works for praise, not money, as he requires other people’s approval. Truth is important to him and he dislikes those who lie. He is slow to alienate someone, but once he does, that person is out of his life as if they didn’t exist.
Obama’s family is important to him as that is where he gives and receives nurturing. He would be competitive even in his family as underachievement would not be acceptable. He takes situations and relationships to the extreme. What he likes he works hard and finishes. What he doesn’t like, he doesn’t do and it would get shuffled to someone else if it got done at all. This is someone who will not do what he doesn’t want to do.
He also has fairness issues, which causes him to fight for the rights of those that he feels have had their rights violated. However, as hard as it is for him to stand up for himself, he has learned how to do it. Fighting for issues and /or others comes much easier.
He does not take criticism well and sometimes it hurts so much that he would like to quit. He has had to learn to give himself pep talks and keep going. His defensive for this sensitivity was to become quick witted and be able to respond quickly with his remarks.

5. Bill Richardson
Richardson is a ‘wanna-be’ who generally gives good advice but must be careful not to make up answers when he is lacking in knowledge. He has a temper that can make his personal life harder than it has to be. He is careful not to let this into his professional life. He is slow to make a decision, as he doesn’t want to make the wrong one, which would cause him to have to back track, as going backwards is not what he wants to do. He would not do well making a decision under duress as he needs to be right and to be right he wants to put much time and thought into his decisions.
Richardson has a strong sense of truth and has no tolerance for liars. He can interact socially with people he distrusts but once he doesn’t trust someone, he does not give them a second chance. Bill has a rebellious spirit so he may listen to others but may surprise them with what he finally decides. He also has fairness issues. He has fairness issues, which causes him to fight for the rights of those that he feels have had their rights violated. However, it is not as easy for him to fight for his own rights.
Richardson would have little patience with those whom he considers incompetent or stupid and would be prone to irrational quirks of temper when not in the public’s eye. He would quite conscious of appearances.